Tuesday 29 January 2013

XML Publisher Report for 11i Instance using 10g Reports Builder


 I faced an issue, when I created a XML Publisher Report for the 11i Instance using 10g Reports Builder.

I created the rdf file using 10g Reports Builder and deployed it into the server.

I registered a concurrent program and set its output type as XML.

When I ran the program, the output gets generated... in XML

When I tried to open it in the browser Tools->Copy File, I got following error.


 In the RDF file , go to Property Inspector

Change the "&Encoding" to "UTF-8".

This solves the issue. 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Connecting SQL Developer with Local Database

Hi Everyone,
We will find a way, when there is a need…
        One such situation is connectivity of Local database with the SQL Developer.
               Here I am going to tell you how exactly we should make connection with screenshots.
1.       Oracle database is installed in the PC.
2.       SQL developer also installed in the PC.

How to connect to local DB??

Step 1 : Add the entry of local connection in the tnsnames.ora file.
                 Path :    C:\oracle_1\....\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora

                                         (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (Host = localhost) (Port = 1521)))
                                (CONNECT_DATA =
  (SID = orcl)))
In this
LOCAL        - Name of the local database. User can name it as anything he wants.
localhost       - since the sql developer connects to the db present in the same system.  
orcl              - Global database name. This is default and doesn’t change unless or otherwise we changed it while installation of the oracle DB.
               Step 2 :
This is the view of the SQL Developer initially.
 Step 3:   Add Connection    
Go to
View -> Connections
 in the SQL Developer.
    A connection window will get open.
Click to add New connection. 
Step 4 : Fill the details for a new connection
              This screen gets the details about the database to be connected to SQL Developer.

Connection Name : LOCAL
Hostname : localhost
Username and password of the local database. Example : SCOTT and TIGER.
Enter Hostname, Port and Service name as mentioned in the tnsnames.ora.

Step 5: Test the connection.

Step 6:  Connect to the local database

Step 7: Test the connection by executing the queries in the database.

                  Connect to local database and rock on Friends!!.....